Vulture Theme

Vulture theme is designed for nopCommerce store with latest and standard eCommerce design. Used latest and awesome components like select2 for dropdown, X-Zoom for picture zoom, sweet alert2 etc which makes Vulture theme to more user friendly.


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    Supported nopCommerce 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40

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    Theme plugin with color configuration and other features

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    Support cross browser with responsive design

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    Default theme with Latest UI

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    Supported RTL

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    Latest and attractive Design with Black and White combination

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    Open to modify all pages

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    Integrated xZoom for Product Picture

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    Integrated SweetAlert and Updated latest notification list

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    Dropdown with select2

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    Sticky Add to cart box at footer on product detail page

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    Standard UI for cart page

Vulture Theme - nopCommerce 4.70
₹ 0.00
Please provide the correct URL of your store/website, as this URL will be used for licensing validation.
Vulture Theme - nopCommerce 4.60
₹ 0.00
Please provide the correct URL of your store/website, as this URL will be used for licensing validation.
Vulture Theme - nopCommerce 4.50
₹ 0.00
Please provide the correct URL of your store/website, as this URL will be used for licensing validation.
Vulture Theme - nopCommerce 4.40
₹ 0.00
Please provide the correct URL of your store/website, as this URL will be used for licensing validation.
Release Note



Added Support for nopCommerce 4.70



Fixed issue: Css file not found error with theme



Added Support for nopCommerce 4.60



Fixed CSS path issue when Vulture theme plugin is installed



Fixed issue: Color not changing on public area on apply from admin area

Fixed issue: Site was crashing when css minification and bundling - off

Fixed issue: Site was crashing when Phoenix and Vulture theme plugins installed together



Initial Release

Feature Request

  • Only registered users can add feature request